Fat Girl Goes Bye-Bye

My journey back to me.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Momma wore combat boots and she had the great legs to prove it.

I did a Century Workout again this week. I can't remember off-hand if I've blogged about it before or not. I think I did. Anyway, I wore my hiking boots to do squats this time. I can't believe what a difference they made. I felt like I could use more weight and squat deeper each time. I'll have to use them every time and try for more weight.

I've really started to notice a difference in my arms and legs. I notice mass in my arms and a little more definition in my legs, though they're gaining some mass too. It's exciting to see things changing finally. Really changing.

I wish I had something witty to say, but it's snowing and I'm bored. Just wanted to leave a record of the past week I guess. I didn't work out last night or tonight. I'm hesitant because of the shin splints and I hate the thought of dragging out that damned Gazelle. I'm going to have to though. It's too much like winter at the moment to go running in the park and running here in the building is killing my legs.

I went out and bought a new pair of tennis shoes today. I'm still trying to convince myself to keep them. I can't stand that I paid $55 for them. Yes, I'm a cheap ass. I need the better support to prevent me from getting shin splints again, but $55..... I don't know. It's still up in the air. Why the hell are sneakers so friggin' expensive anyway? It's all synthetic fibers and you know the laborers aren't seeing much of that money!

Maybe if I exercised tonight I wouldn't be so grumpy. Ah, screw it.


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