Fat Girl Goes Bye-Bye

My journey back to me.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Reality Check

Put down the mouse, put down the remote control, put down the sandwich and the soda and the Christmas cookies.

Get off your ass and go for a walk!

Do you want another Christmas/holiday season? Do you want another day, another moment, another breath?

Get up and start moving right now. Right now!

No one can do it but you. Don't wait until you're staring down the barrel of a gun.

Don't wait until it's too late.

Dad was supposed to have hernia surgery tomorrow. It's been changed to a heart cath.

Get up and move.


Friday, December 15, 2006

Back to Our Previously Scheduled Fatty Blog

I got on the scale last Wednesday. I knew I had put on a little weight. My clothes were fitting a little tighter again, but nothing major and I wasn't having to wear my old clothes or anything.

Fifteen Fucking Pounds.

Fifteen motherfucking pounds. Not enough water, too much soda, too much fast food and not enough exercise. God, I hate it. I hate it!!

If you've come across this blog and are fat, why are you fat? Hmm? Why? I'll tell you what. I'll go first.

I'm fat because I have some sick need to make myself miserable. I understand this now. I'm not sure why I need to make myself miserable, but I know that's what it is. I have to have something to blame, something other than myself, for any unhappiness in my life.

That's a shitty reason to be fat. That's a selfish, over-indulgent reason to be fat.

It's bullshit.

I talked a couple of posts ago about accountability. Looks like I'm accountable only to myself again. Dad has surgery coming up and didn't want to enter into anything right away. I was disappointed and I worry about him a great deal, but these fifteen pounds are mine and mine alone now. I suppose they always were though, huh?

God, enough of this.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Hide behind the fat girl!

So, I've been blog trolling. You know, you hit "Next Blog" at the top of the page there and see where you end up? Yeah, that's my latest "Christ, I'm bored, now what?" activity. There are a few things I've come across that I pretty much already knew; blog trolling just confirmed it for me. There are some impossibly intelligent and creative people out there that should be heard and seen by the whole friggin' world. There are also some twisted fucks out there that need to be hidden away in a cave. I've also learned that too many parents have no idea what the hell their kids are up to, people can't spell worth a shit, a lot of young Asian women think their blog is best suited for posting pictures of themselves and their equally young friends, my blog looks incredibly plain, and drunk looks drunk no matter what language you speak.

Let me also announce that - Ladies and gentlemen, the age of anonymity is officially over.

I came across one blog and the very first line of it the woman said she was waiting for a call back from her supplier so she could get high. Previous posts talked about other recreational drug use as well as her wedding plans. There was even a picture of her soon-to-be husband whom also is a recreational drug user.

HELLO!!??!! Can you say jobless and under arrest if anyone wanted to get even with you? What are people thinking? Decorum and manners have supposedly gone to hell because of the anonymity provided by the Internet, yet here are people posting pictures and personal, even illegal information about themselves, and for what?? To say, "Hey, look at my cool blog/web site!"?

What. The. Hell?

I just don't get it. I don't want the whole world to know what an asshole I am or can be. I revel in my anonymity here.

People are nuts.