Fat Girl Goes Bye-Bye

My journey back to me.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Apathy Will Kill Us All

Susie Bright said it better than I ever could. (Click on the Susie is a Goddess link to the right and type "abortion" into the search engine to see all her comments.

And Cherie Preist said it best of all. So much so, I may put it up as a permanent link.

What pisses me off more than anything though is, WHERE THE FUCK IS THE OUTRAGE?????? Why aren't women and men that give a shit wreaking some havoc in SD and Mississippi?? Where's the ACLU?? Where' NOW? WHERE'S SOMEBODY OTHER THAN THESE MIDDLE-AGED, BALDING, HETERO, CHRISTIAN, RICH, WHITE MEN????

"Men have orgasms. Women have babies."

And apathy will kill us all.

Rising from the (Cookie) Crumbs





Holy crap, did it ever. Sick, weak, you name it! I can count the number of times I worked out in March on one hand. Ouch.

Better health has arrived though and my attitude has come back with it for the most part.

Check this out! That, my Fat Girl Followers, is the next step in my journey back to me. Specifically, this team: Thee Toledo Reign. I know, I know, what's with the spelling? Don't know. Don't care.

Wanna play! Gonna play!

I thought I was going to have to let this go because of money, but a dear friend recently did something extraordinary that will make it possible again. I wish there was a way I could repay her, but I don't think there is. She went above and beyond the call of friendship.

So, back on the horse, as it were. I've changed things up quite a bit work-out wise. I'm hitting the steps at the local park about three times a week and have added a weighted backpack (around 20lbs.) to that. I'm also now lifting three days a week rather than two. I like these splits better and I feel like I'm seeing bigger gains this way. I freaked out when I took a good look at my biceps yesterday! I can see a significant change (they're bigger!) in just the last two weeks. Grrr... Look out Brigid Mullen! Fat Girl comin' through!

Actually, that's a pretty cool little article on SI.com. Brigid Mullen is a member of the Wisconsin Wolves as well as a model and runner-up Miss Wisconsin. She even mentions a post made by Reign coach Mitchi Collette on the WPFL website. We play the Wolves twice. How happy am I?