Fat Girl Goes Bye-Bye

My journey back to me.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

May the carnage begin!

A friend of mine suggested I start a journal, so I decided to do it in a big public way. So, even if no one else reads this, it will be a kick in the butt to write everyday or most everyday just in case someone might read it.

Yeah, so, here I am. I'm journaling/blogging because I'm fat and I'm out to do something about it. I suppose I got fat they way so many of us do. Sat around and did nothing but stuff my face. But what I can see now as I start to move again and eat well is that I was literally trying to cover myself up. I was trying to bury me underneath all this blubber. Got married way too young. A marriage that failed because, oops, gay now. And just drifted from one bad job to another and didn't give a shit about what I looked like or how I felt. I think it was some sort of guilt bullshit. I get what I deserve sort of thing.

What a bunch of crap.

So I'm moving and I'm eating better and I'm starting to feel like me again. I've been gone a long time. Way too long. I was an athlete in high school and college and let myself become a self-pitying blob. Time to change and I'll keep track of it right here.


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